We at Gudha International School are committed towards meeting the modern Era. Gudha International School family strives for excellence by updating their knowledge and applying the same in a result oriented way using modern equipment, teaching techniques and developing the best for the pride and glory of our nation.The School is determined to follow the following Principles:
Education is shared & commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students & enthusiastic parents. "Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think". We provide (Foster) an honest, honorable & fair environment. We focus towards building a better society, celebrate excellence & honor commitment to personal growth towards ones full potential. Our objective is to provide a child friendly and nurturing atmosphere by providing advice, support and resources. Our mission is to set standards to improve the quality of child development and education. Continuously we are focusing towards quality education. Gudha International School using different pedagogy for the progress of the children. Every month we follow monthly theme, self-management plans are used to teach students to independently complete the task. We are proud of our students, teachers & staff who collectively took part in this innovative power which is helping us to replace the traditional Imperative to memorize with desire to understand.
"Learning is something Students do, Not something done to Students".